State Center for Political Education Thuringia
(Landeszentrale für politische Bildung Thüringen), monograph: Jews in Thuringia. From the German Empire to the end of the GDR (to be published in March 2024).
Association Against Forgetting – For Democracy (Gegen Vergessen - Für Demokratie e.V.), multi-generational project and brochure: Jewish Neighbors in Ilmenau, Ilmenau 2018.
Association Giving faces: Victims of Dictatorship 1945–1989 in Ilmenau (Gesichter geben: Opfer der Diktatur 1945–1989 in Ilmenau e.V.), exhibition: Demokratie - jetzt oder nie! Peaceful Revolution in the Ilm District 1989/90, Ilmenau/Arnstadt 2014.
Evangelical Lutheran Church District Arnstadt-Ilmenau (Ev.-luth. Kirchenkreis Arnstadt-Ilmenau), exhibition and brochure: Light and shadow: Ilmenau and St. Jakobus - a piece of contemporary history, Ilmenau 2012. public relations work:
Buchenwald and Mittelbau-Dora Memorials Foundation (Stiftung Gedenkstätten Buchenwald und Mittelbau-Dora), editing and image research for the monograph by Dr. Annegret Schüle: Industry and the Holocaust. Topf & Sons - The Oven Builders of Auschwitz, Göttingen 2010.
Publisher HistOHRia Erfurt (HistOHRia Verlag), audio guide: Jena and its university. An audio city guide through history, Erfurt 2005.